:On July 5, 2011 I went to my dentist for my first pair of extractions. I've never had a tooth extracted before so I was really very nervous. Everyone I spoke to told me that once the anesthetic kicked in I wouldn't feel a thing. I was removing my first premolars. It was so strange because I could hear the sounds of the teeth cracking and coming out and I could sorta feel it as it left my gums (but no pain thank goodness!) My dentist even let me keep my teeth. I never knew the roots would be so long! As he was tugging I felt it moving around by my nose!
The extraction sites were so red and angry looking for days afterwards that I was afraid to really eat. I was on a liquid diet of soup and Ensure and slowly moved towards the soft stuff like mac and cheese and the Chef Boyardee stuff. I was mostly afraid that food would get stuck in the holes and that it would be so painful. By the time I was able to eat real food again, two weeks had passed and I was scheduled to go for my second set of extractions. These were for my lower first premolars.
I just want to say this once and get it out of my system: I MISS MY TEETH. PUT THEM BACK!
EDIT: During this time I was unable to use my normal mouthwash. Instead I used Colgate Peroxyl Oral Cleanser. It did burn a little and it was VERY bubbly in my mouth but I'd say it did the job. My orthodontist seemed to think so when I went back to her one week after the final extractions to get my long archwire. she told me that I was healing very well. (YAY!)
Those pics look painful. D:
ReplyDeleteBut it'll be worth it in the end.
They were not as bad as they could have been. Clearly I took very good care of them because I didn't develop a "dry socket" and when I went in for my next scheduled appointment with my orthodontist (one week after the second set of extractions) she told me that everything was healing very well. (YAY!)