Brace Fetishists are not welcome.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Twas the night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and I’d been put through my paces

To cook, clean and wrap with my teeth set in braces.

The cookies so crunchy, the roast beef so chewy

But alas I must eat food that’s softer and gooey.

My family munched on their crackers and chips

(Well, those only would have gone straight to my hips).

With my chompers a-hurtin from ear to ear

It’s been hard to come up with that old Christmas cheer.

But I know that it all will pay off, all of this grief

When two Christmases from now, Santa brings me straight teeth!

This year, however, I’ll cut him some slack

And wish for a case that good dental wax!

So goodbye crooked teeth

And spaces too tight!

Merry Christmas to all

And to all a good bite!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Coil Spring why do you torment me so??

So my crossbite is fixing itself during my treatment. Unfortunately it's not quite far enough to the front to be comfortable right now. It is the upper right lateral incisor that is slowly moving forward to greet the archwire. Unfortunately I have a coil spring between my lower right central incisor and my lower right canine to make room for my too-far-back lower right lateral incisor.

So what's happened is that my upper right incisor is biting and pushing down on the coil spring directly below it.

But at the same time it doesn't matter because this spring is causing me so much pain as it is I'm not even bothered by this new development. This spring can not possibly pain me more than it already is.

*pops ibuprofen like candy*


Friday, December 9, 2011


Introduction to Orthodontics. It helps to explain a lot of diagnoses.

Parts of you braces. Also very helpful so you know exactly what contraption is causing you the most pain haha

Normal Dental Development. I WANT THIS I WISH I HAD THIS. I am so jealous of those with perfect teeth like this.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Post Adjustment Owies

So it's been a day after my last adjustment and my right upper canine is killing me! Every time I go for an adjustment the bracket on that one tooth pops off when its time to change the ligatures and then I am subjected to the scraping and filing of the dental cement. I think this tooth is done and about to give up. Eating is difficult, brushing that tooth is difficult. It's like a germaphobe yelling, "Don't touch me!!"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December Adjustment

So I just came from my adjustment. It's not so great. My ortho broke off two of my brackets while changing the ligatures which meant I had to sit there and endure her filing and scraping away at the remnants of the dental cement. Not fun there. But then it turns out the spring is not working as well as it should be so I was reintroduced to my old friend the elastic  chain to help make room for that stubborn lower right lateral incisor. She changed all the other ligatures fine and dandy and retied that odd wire ligature on my upper right lateral incisor.

Overall it was a semi painful and semi painless experience. I feel like I've been getting better compared to my first few adjustments but I really can't stand that scraping of the cement. I dont know what I'll do when it's time to get debanded and all of my teeth need to be scraped clean of the dental cement. It will be ridiculously painful...