So here we are for another Progress Report. Last time I left you with the jubilation that one of my teeth too far away to be initially attached to the archwire has now joined the tinsel party!
This is October 11, 2011.
16 weeks into treatment.
Also I took notice of my extraction gaps and how they are closing up nicely. The original post for my Extractions can be found here.
This are my upper extractions gaps on October 11, 2011, at exactly 14 weeks post-extractions. The gap left my tooth # 5 , (on the left of the picture) is almost gone and it so small now. And the gap left my tooth # 12 (on the right) is right behind it, and closing fast!
Pictured above are my lower extractions also at the time of October 11, 2011. These were done on July 20, 2011 and this is 12 weeks post-extractions. These are # 19 and 26. They are closing up but taking their own sweet time about it when compared to my upper extractions.
Regardless the fact remains that the holes have closed up and I'm no longer terrified that food will become trapped in there as I eat. HUZZAH!
Anyway for my latest appointment my orthodontist removed the elastics from my right upper and left lower canines. Changed all ligatures, changed elastics on left upper canine and right lower canine. AND attached the right lateral incisor to the archwire with a thin piece of metal-string-thing because now there is room for it to come forward. (YAY!)
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