Brace Fetishists are not welcome.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

December Appointment

Earlier this month I had my appointment with some very great news.

I brought up to my orthodontist that when I went to my dentist appointment I had two small gaps on my upper teeth (between left canine and left lateral incisor/ between right canine and second premolar) and she found them and attached an elastic going back to the molar bands. Not sure how that was going to work out what with my front six teeth being tied up with the steel ligatures but it got super sore so I'm assuming things are moving again. I was told to only wear those triangular elastics on my left side, which I've been neglecting due to this newfound soreness.

At the very end of the appointment my ortho broke the news to me. The big news. The news I've been waiting for for two and a half years. She told me that depending on how fast these last few gaps close I may have one or two more months in braces, 2014 is my year.

At first I was super stoked about this, had all these plans and just couldn't wait to get to that point but then the very next day I received some unrelated yet unhappy news that kinda clashed with some of my plans I had made when I was feeling good.

So now I'm feeling more along the lines of just trying to be happy but not really in the mood. Yes this is a big thing. But still super bummed about how other things turned out.


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