There's been some changes from my June adjustment. First of all the very first thing she said to me when she looked at my teeth was how well they were coming along and if I have anything to comment on. I did bring up that my extraction gap on the upper right side is taking what seems like forever to close. So she slapped on a powerchain going from my upper right canine to my upper right molar band. Henceforth I am to be wearing the elastics only on the left side so as not to interfere with the powerchain on the right.
Secondly there was this second premolar on my upper left side that just refused to hold a bracket so for the past few months the orthodontist let it go naked since it wasn't really a problem, but I suppose we are seeing the finish line in the distance (waaaaay in the distance) that she glued on another one to make sure that everything is lining up all right.
Finally she decided to replace the chipped bracket on my upper left central incisor. Felt a little strange to have a full bracket there again but that's A-OK.
I did bring up the fact that most of my teeth are irregular in both size and shape. My upper front set are a bit larger than say my lower front set with my back teeth being cute in how tiny they are. She did mention that if I wanted she could reshape my teeth but that I need to consider that carefully because once she decreases the size it cannot be undone. Still, strongly considering it...
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