Good news and bad news. I've recently got a new job and it is SO much better than my last job. However due to the hours I've had to reschedule my December adjustment until January 12th. The bad news is that I had to pay double at my orthodontists office to make up for missing December. My wallet didn't like that at all. Neither did my bank account.
Well anyway, there was some progress at my appointment yesterday. My lower right lateral incisor used to be too far back to reach the arch wire. That is no longer the case! It's finally become close enough to be attached with a ligature and my wedge was removed! Happy happy joy joy! On a related note that my that tooth is bothering me and is being sore. Ugh. Progress is pain, I suppose.
At least now there is only one tooth remaining that is still too far away to be attached to the arch wire (upper right lateral incisor). After that bad boy joins the party all that's left is to close up what is left of my extraction gaps and see what else can be done about my overjet. WOOHOO!
I'm very excited about all this, minus the pain of course. That is never a thing to be happy about. But still. I can't wait for the end.